Welcome to
SMP Auliya

To Be Creatively Smart Young Leader

SMP Auliya nurtures each student’s unique interests and talents, empowering them to excel academically and personally. 

During their teenage years, students explore interests and nurture unique abilities through Talent and Interest Mapping, which channels skills into creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and leadership. Through competitions and events, they discover joyful opportunities to develop passions while building meaningful connections with peers. In a warm and supportive environment guided by dedicated teachers, students become well-rounded young Muslims, ready to face future challenges with optimism.

Deni Sahmaulana, M.Pd

Principal’s Greeting

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

In this fast-changing world, raising creatively smart teens with strong Islamic values is a remarkable responsibility and a tremendous blessing. Our dedication to nurturing their intellect, creativity, and spiritual growth, along with recognizing their unique talents and interests, is shaping them into resilient leaders.

These young individuals are not only guided by faith but are also driven by their passions, ready to embrace the future with confidence and purpose. By fostering their individuality alongside Islamic principles, we are empowering them to make a meaningful impact in their communities and beyond. Together, let’s continue to inspire and support our youth as they embark on their journeys, equipped to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Learning Programs

Accompanying creative teenagers in their interests and talents, we develop innovative learning programs that help them realize their full potential. Our approach emphasizes essential literacy and numeracy, while also instilling strong religious values to support students’ identities. By integrating Student Active Learning (SAL) and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), we foster deep understanding, strengthen beliefs, and promote good character. This comprehensive strategy prepares students for success in both digital and global environments by enhancing their digital skills, language fluency, and global perspectives. Through reflective learning, critical thinking, and collaborative activities, we ensure that students are well-equipped to face future challenges with confidence.

To face future challenges, our intra-curricular programs are carefully structured around three key competencies:

1. Core competencies

Kurikulum Merdeka develops core competencies that equip students with essential skills for academic success, delivered through the following subjects:

  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Matematika
  • Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
  • Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
  • Pendidikan Pancasila
  • Seni Budaya dan Prakarya
  • Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan
2. Religious Competencies

Kurikulum Saleh aims to nurture religious competencies that foster a deep understanding and practice of Islamic principles, offered through the following subjects:

  • Tarbia Islamia (Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti)
  • Tarbia Qurania (Pendidikan Al Quran)
  • Tarbia Khuluqia (P5 – Karakter)
3. The Changing World Competencies

Cambridge International Curriculum is tailored to enhance the changing world competencies through the following subjects:

  • Cambridge Digital Literacy and Computing (Informatika)
  • Cambridge Global English (Bahasa Inggris)
  • Cambridge Global Perspectives (P5 – Skil)

Co-curricular activities are programs organized to strengthen, deepen, and/or enrich the learning that takes place in the classroom. Students are encouraged to see the implementation of the competencies they learn in class in the outside world. This serves to foster students who are reflective, critical-creative, and communicative-collaborative.

  • Auliya Advanture Camp
  • Earth’s Action Project
  • Auliya Junior Research
  • Teen Talent Festival
  • Future Pathways Program
  • Educational Visit
  • Ramadhan Program
  • English Talent Show
  • Literacy Month

SMP Auliya pays full attention to the potential of its students in academics, sports, and arts through extracurricular programs. By collaborating with trusted institutions, each student is guided to develop their potential according to their interests and talents.

It is no wonder that students often win championships in various competitions, both national and international, such as winning subject Olympiads, sports (basketball, archery, taekwondo), and arts (marching band, Ratoh Jaroe). The scouts also consistently win championships.

Even at the international level, Auliya Middle School has achieved remarkable success by winning first place in the Ratoh Jaroe dance competition in Spain and the girls’ basketball team at the Asia Pacific Cup 2023.

With this well-designed program, students will develop a sense of confidently competent and qualified that will serve as valuable assets for their future.

  • Archery
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Cinematography
  • Drawing Art
  • Futsal
  • Guitar
  • Karate
  • Marching Band
  • Pencak Silat
  • Photography
  • Ratoh Jaroe Dance
  • Robotics
  • Swimming (Boys)
  • Taekwondo
  • Traditional Dance
  • Volleyball
  • Youth Scientific Group (KIR)

Meet the Educators

Deni Sahmaulana M.Pd
Principal of SMP Auliya

Dian Abu Sufyan, S.Pd.I
Vice Principal of SMP Auliya

Lastri Febriyanti, S.Pd., Gr.
Vice Principal of SMP Auliya

Teacher Team

Abdul Halik, S.Kom.I.
Abu Ropi, S. Hum
Andi Mediani, S.S.
Chairunnisa, S.Pd.
Daffa Nauvaldy, S. Kom
Dede Rahmawati, S.Pd
Dedi Priyanto, M.Pd., Gr
Dian Anggraini, S.Pd., Gr
Dian Lestari, S.Pd.

Endang Tri Yulianingsih, S.Pd., Gr
Ferry Indah Sulistyawarni, M.Pd.
Hanna Ramadhana Widuri, S.Pd.
Hendra Gunawan, S.Pd
Irwan Septian, S.Pd.
Monica Fitriani, S.Pd.
Muhamad Fian Nudin, S. Pd
Muhammad Asim Abdul Majid, S.Pd

Nelli Lailiyyatu Alfina, S.SI., LC.
Nurrahmah Amalia, S.Pd
Putri Aisah Ningsih, M. M
Siti Lola Yuwanda, S.Pd
Sri Praptiwi, M.M., Gr
Sri Rejeki, M.Ag
Wira Arifin Jamil, M. Ag
Yusuf Amrullah Hutasuhut, S.Pd.


Discover Why Parents and Students Choose Sekolah Auliya

Be a Part of Sekolah Auliya and Get Ready for the Changing World

1 Ratoh Jaroe Juara Favorit 1 Ratoh Jaroe – Piala Bergilir Gubernur Aceh Nasional
2 Juara 1  – ASCA Jabodetabek
3 Grand Prize Super Cup Performing Arts Competition – Barcelona, Spain Internasional
4 Juara 1 Ratoh Jaroe Ruang Karya Festival Jabodetabek
5 Marching Band Juara 1 Ensambel Pianika – Batavia Marching Band Open Competition Nasional
6 Palang Merah Remaja Juara 2 Cerdas Cermat – Lomba Semangat Bela Negara usia remaja PMR tingkat Madya Jabodetabek
7 Juara 2 Mading 3D – Lomba Semangat Bela Negara usia remaja PMR tingkat Madya Jabodetabek
8 English Club Juara 1 Spelling Bee – English First Kota
9 Juara 2 Spelling Bee – English First Kota
10 Basket Juara 3 Basket – PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
11 Pramuka  Dilantik Sebagai Pramuka Garuda Kota
12 Duta Perubahan Perilaku – Wali kota Kota
13 Peserta Kemah Bela Negara – Kalimantan Selatan Nasional
14 Peserta Jambore Dunia di Seoul Korea Selatan Internasional
15 Juara 1 Yel-yel Pangkalan Scout Competition Jabodetabek
16 Kelompok Ilmiah remaja (KIR) Juara 2 Karya Tulis Ilmiah Science PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
17 Juara Harapan 2 Karya Tulis Ilmiah Science PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
18 Badminton Juara 1 Badminton Ganda Putri AFESCA 2024 Jabodetabek
19 Juara 2 O2SN Badminton Putra Kota Tangerang Selatan Kota
20 Academic Club Juara 2 Olimpiade IPS PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
21 Juara 1 LKTIN Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Airforce Fair V 2023 Nasional
22 Juara Harapan 1 Cerdas Cermat SainsQu PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
23 Solo Vocal Juara 2 Solo Vocal moonzher cup Kota
24 Taekwondo juara 1 Taekwondo- Tangerang Kota
25 Panahan Juara 3 Panahan Putri PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
26 Renang Juara 1 O2SN Renang Putri tingkat Kecamatan Kecamatan
27 Juara 3 Lomba Renang Putra – PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
28 Academic (Individu) Juara 1 Olimpiade English – OPN Olimpiade Pelajar Nasional – Nasional Nasional
29 Medali emas – OPN Olimpiade Pelajar Nasional – Nasional Nasional
30 Medali emas – OSBN Olimpiade Siswa Berprestasi Nasional – Nasional Nasional
31 Medali Perunggu Matematika – POSN 2023 [Nasional] Nasional
32 ONMIPASA Matematika : Medali Emas Nasional
33 ONMIPASA PKN : Medali perak Nasional
34 ONMIPASA IPS : medali emas Nasional
35 Prominensa 2023 – IPA : Medali emas Nasional
36 AKSI 2023 – (IPS, Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia, IPA) > Medali Emas Nasional
37 OSBN 2023 Matematika : Medali Emas Nasional
38 OSBN 2023 Fisika : Medali emas. Nasional
39 OSBN 2023 Kimia & Biologi : Medali perak Nasional
40 KSB 2023 [Nasional] – (Fisika, Biologi, IPA, Matematika, Kimia) > Medali Emas Nasional
41 POSSI 2023 [Nasional] – (Ips biologi, bahasa indonesia, ipa) > Medali Emas. Pkn : Medali perak Nasional
42 FSN 2023 [Nasional] – (kimia, informatika, ips, english) > emas . Biologi : Medali Perak Nasional
43 Opsilon ke 9 termasuk dalam 25 besar [Nasional] Nasional
44 PPSI 2024 Juara 2 IPS & Juara 3 Fisika Tingkat Nasional Nasional