Welcome to Sekolah Auliya

We nurture young minds and build future leaders. We’re excited that you’re considering joining our vibrant learning community.

PSB Period 

Open Enrollment
October 13 – December 31, 2024
Join us in new student enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year! Be part of our vibrant community and set your child on the path to success!

Enrollment Procedure

Step 1

Online Registration

Parents are invited to register and complete the form via SISTA or HaloAuliya.

Step 2

Observation and Interview

After registering through SISTA or HaloAuliya, you will receive the schedule for the Observation and Interview. Please make sure the Observation fee is paid before the scheduled date. Results will be announced within 3 working days.*)

Step 3

Bayar Daftar Ulang (BDU) Payment

After successfully completing the Observation and Interview stage, parents will need to pay the BDU to finalize the child’s enrollment at Sekolah Auliya for the 2025-2026 academic year. **)

Terms & Conditions:

*) The observation fee of Rp 750.000 is non-refundable. Students will receive an official Letter of Acceptance based on results of the Observation and Interview by the Admissions Committee. The Committee’s decision is final.

**) The BDU must be paid within 5 working days after the Observation and Interview announcement. If the payment is not made by the deadline, the student will be considered withdrawn. Please note that payments are non-refundable.

Enrollment Fee
BMS and SPP Overview: Investing in Your Child’s Future

At Sekolah Auliya, we offer an exceptional educational experience with a transparent fee structure, ensuring your child receives the quality education they deserve!

Here’s a quick overview of the fees:  

BMS (Biaya Masuk Sekolah) is a one-time registration cost with no annual fees. BMS does not cover uniform fees, textbooks, catering, Istiya fees, extracurricular activities and other services.

Bayar Daftar Ulang (BDU) is a 50% payment of the Biaya Masuk Sekolah (BMS), made after your child successfully completes the Observation and Interview stages.

SPP (Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan) is a monthly fee that supports your child’s educational operations, due by the 10th of each month. Extracurricular fees are paid per term.

Enrollment Fee
  • BMS TK A: Rp 19,400,000
    BMS TK B: Rp 13,600,000

    Monthly Tuition (SPP): Rp 1,600,000

  • BMS: Rp 43,900,000
    Monthly Tuition (SPP): Rp 2,200,000

  • BMS: Rp 37,400,000
    Monthly Tuition (SPP): Rp 2,300,000

  • BMS: Rp 37,400,000
    Monthly Tuition (SPP): Rp 2,300,000

  • Rp 750,000 (Applicable to all units)

    • Sibling Discount: Rp 1,000,000 (Applicable to all units)
1 Ratoh Jaroe Juara Favorit 1 Ratoh Jaroe – Piala Bergilir Gubernur Aceh Nasional
2 Juara 1  – ASCA Jabodetabek
3 Grand Prize Super Cup Performing Arts Competition – Barcelona, Spain Internasional
4 Juara 1 Ratoh Jaroe Ruang Karya Festival Jabodetabek
5 Marching Band Juara 1 Ensambel Pianika – Batavia Marching Band Open Competition Nasional
6 Palang Merah Remaja Juara 2 Cerdas Cermat – Lomba Semangat Bela Negara usia remaja PMR tingkat Madya Jabodetabek
7 Juara 2 Mading 3D – Lomba Semangat Bela Negara usia remaja PMR tingkat Madya Jabodetabek
8 English Club Juara 1 Spelling Bee – English First Kota
9 Juara 2 Spelling Bee – English First Kota
10 Basket Juara 3 Basket – PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
11 Pramuka  Dilantik Sebagai Pramuka Garuda Kota
12 Duta Perubahan Perilaku – Wali kota Kota
13 Peserta Kemah Bela Negara – Kalimantan Selatan Nasional
14 Peserta Jambore Dunia di Seoul Korea Selatan Internasional
15 Juara 1 Yel-yel Pangkalan Scout Competition Jabodetabek
16 Kelompok Ilmiah remaja (KIR) Juara 2 Karya Tulis Ilmiah Science PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
17 Juara Harapan 2 Karya Tulis Ilmiah Science PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
18 Badminton Juara 1 Badminton Ganda Putri AFESCA 2024 Jabodetabek
19 Juara 2 O2SN Badminton Putra Kota Tangerang Selatan Kota
20 Academic Club Juara 2 Olimpiade IPS PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
21 Juara 1 LKTIN Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Airforce Fair V 2023 Nasional
22 Juara Harapan 1 Cerdas Cermat SainsQu PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
23 Solo Vocal Juara 2 Solo Vocal moonzher cup Kota
24 Taekwondo juara 1 Taekwondo- Tangerang Kota
25 Panahan Juara 3 Panahan Putri PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
26 Renang Juara 1 O2SN Renang Putri tingkat Kecamatan Kecamatan
27 Juara 3 Lomba Renang Putra – PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
28 Academic (Individu) Juara 1 Olimpiade English – OPN Olimpiade Pelajar Nasional – Nasional Nasional
29 Medali emas – OPN Olimpiade Pelajar Nasional – Nasional Nasional
30 Medali emas – OSBN Olimpiade Siswa Berprestasi Nasional – Nasional Nasional
31 Medali Perunggu Matematika – POSN 2023 [Nasional] Nasional
32 ONMIPASA Matematika : Medali Emas Nasional
33 ONMIPASA PKN : Medali perak Nasional
34 ONMIPASA IPS : medali emas Nasional
35 Prominensa 2023 – IPA : Medali emas Nasional
36 AKSI 2023 – (IPS, Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia, IPA) > Medali Emas Nasional
37 OSBN 2023 Matematika : Medali Emas Nasional
38 OSBN 2023 Fisika : Medali emas. Nasional
39 OSBN 2023 Kimia & Biologi : Medali perak Nasional
40 KSB 2023 [Nasional] – (Fisika, Biologi, IPA, Matematika, Kimia) > Medali Emas Nasional
41 POSSI 2023 [Nasional] – (Ips biologi, bahasa indonesia, ipa) > Medali Emas. Pkn : Medali perak Nasional
42 FSN 2023 [Nasional] – (kimia, informatika, ips, english) > emas . Biologi : Medali Perak Nasional
43 Opsilon ke 9 termasuk dalam 25 besar [Nasional] Nasional
44 PPSI 2024 Juara 2 IPS & Juara 3 Fisika Tingkat Nasional Nasional