Welcome to Sekolah Auliya
We nurture young minds and build future leaders. We’re excited that you’re considering joining our vibrant learning community.
How and When to Enroll
Step 1
Fill out the online registration form and recieve an invitation for Observation or Face-to-Face Meeting or Interview with Sekolah Auliya in person.
The form will be available for completion during the New Student Admission period. If the period hasn’t started yet, please fill out our guestbook so we can notify you when the New Student Admission period is coming soon.
Step 2
- Pay the observation fee
- Attend Observation or Face-to-Face Meeting or Interview with Sekolah Auliya in person
- Submit Photo of report cards, Birth certificate, Parents’ ID, Family Card (Kartu Keluarga) and Student photo
- Receive announcement letter
If accepted, confirm enrollment and complete any remaining requirements.
Step 3
Paying the registration renewal and receive student identification number (NIPD). Congratulations! Your child has become a student of Sekolah Auliya Integrated Islamic Shcool

Sekolah Auliya menyediakan pengalaman pendidikan yang terbaik bagi setiap siswa. Sekolah Auliya memberikan kemudahan bagi Ayah Bunda dalam melakukan pembayaran. Manfaatkan penawaran diskon spesial selama masa Early Bird Week (EBW) untuk memastikan Ananda mendapatkan pendidikan di Sekolah Auliya, Sekolah Islam berstandar Internasional!
Berikut ringkasan biayanya:
BMS (Biaya Masuk Sekolah) adalah biaya pendaftaran yang dibayarkan sekali tanpa ada biaya tahunan. Biaya untuk seragam, buku, katering, dan layanan lainnya dikelola oleh Koperasi untuk mendukung kebutuhan Ayah Bunda.
SPP (Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan) adalah biaya bulanan untuk mendukung operasional pendidikan Ananda. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang disesuaikan dengan minat siswa dan didukung oleh lembaga terpercaya, dibayarkan per semester, memungkinkan mereka mengeksplorasi dan mengembangkan bakat serta minat mereka.

At Sekolah Auliya, we offer a remarkable educational experience for every student. Our transparent fee structure simplifies your investment, and we provide generous discounts for group registrations. Unlock special savings during our Early Bird Week to ensure your child receives the quality education they truly deserve!
Here’s a quick overview of the fees:
BMS (School Entrance Fee) is a one-time registration cost with no annual fees. Uniforms, books, catering, and other services are managed by Auliya Community Cooperative to support parents.
SPP (The monthly tuition fee) supports your child’s education, and we offer flexible payment options for your convenience. Extracurricular activities, in partnership with trusted institutions, have termly fees and are tailored to students’ interests, helping them explore and develop their passions.
Enrollment Fee
At Sekolah Auliya, we strive to provide high-quality education at competitive rates. Our fee structure includes:
- Application Fee
- Annual Tuition
- Books and Materials Fee
To get detailed information about our current fee structure tailored to your child’s grade level, please fill out our guestbook. Our admissions team will promptly provide you with the most up-to-date fee information.
We offer various payment plans and methods to accommodate different family needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about our fees or financial assistance options.
This approach encourages interested parents to engage with the school directly, allowing for personalized communication about fees while avoiding publicly listing specific amounts that may change.